habitat.core.simulator module


class ActionSpaceConfiguration
class AgentState
class BumpSensor
class DepthSensor
class Observations
Dictionary containing sensor observations
class RGBSensor
class SemanticSensor
class Sensor
Represents a sensor that provides data from the environment to agent.
class SensorSuite
Represents a set of sensors, with each sensor being identified through a unique id.
class ShortestPathPoint
class Simulator
Basic simulator class for habitat. New simulators to be added to habtiat must derive from this class and implement the abstarct methods.


class SensorTypes(enum.Enum): NULL = 0 COLOR = 1 DEPTH = 2 NORMAL = 3 SEMANTIC = 4 PATH = 5 POSITION = 6 FORCE = 7 TENSOR = 8 TEXT = 9 MEASUREMENT = 10 HEADING = 11 TACTILE = 12 TOKEN_IDS = 13
Enumeration of types of sensors.
