habitat.core module


module agent
Base implementation of agent inside habitat. To build agents inside habitat the user should subclass habitat.Agent and implement the act() and reset() methods.
module benchmark
Implements evaluation of habitat.Agent inside habitat.Env. habitat.Benchmark creates a habitat.Env which is specified through the config_env parameter in constructor. The evaluation is task agnostic and is implemented through metrics defined for habitat.EmbodiedTask.
module env
module embodied_task
Implements task and measurements needed for training and benchmarking of habitat.Agent inside habitat.Env.
module dataset
Implements dataset functionality to be used habitat.EmbodiedTask. habitat.core.dataset abstracts over a collection of habitat.core.Episode. Each episode consists of a single instantiation of a habitat.Agent inside habitat.Env.
module simulator
module registry
Registry is central source of truth in Habitat.
module vector_env
module batch_rendering
module challenge
module environments
module logging
module utils