esp::sensor::VisualSensor class

Base classes

class Sensor

Derived classes

class PinholeCamera

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~VisualSensor() virtual
Sensor() explicit

Public functions

auto framebufferSize() const -> Magnum::Vector2i
Return the size of the framebuffer corresponding to the sensor's resolution as a [W, H] Vector2i.
auto isVisualSensor() -> bool override
auto setProjectionMatrix(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) -> VisualSensor& virtual
set the projection matrix from sensor to the render camera
auto setTransformationMatrix(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) -> VisualSensor& virtual
set the transform matrix (modelview) from sensor to the render camera
auto setViewport(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) -> VisualSensor& virtual
set the viewport from sensor to the render camera
auto depthUnprojection() const -> Corrade::Containers::Optional<Magnum::Vector2> virtual
Returns the parameters needed to unproject depth for the sensor.
auto hasRenderTarget() const -> bool
Checks to see if this sensor has a RenderTarget bound or not.
void bindRenderTarget(gfx::RenderTarget::uptr&& tgt)
Binds the given given RenderTarget to the sensor. The sensor takes ownership of the RenderTarget.
auto renderTarget() -> gfx::RenderTarget&
Returns a reference to the sensors render target.

Protected variables

gfx::RenderTarget::uptr tgt_

Function documentation

VisualSensor& esp::sensor::VisualSensor::setProjectionMatrix(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) virtual

set the projection matrix from sensor to the render camera

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

VisualSensor& esp::sensor::VisualSensor::setTransformationMatrix(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) virtual

set the transform matrix (modelview) from sensor to the render camera

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

VisualSensor& esp::sensor::VisualSensor::setViewport(CORRADE_UNUSED gfx::RenderCamera& targetCamera) virtual

set the viewport from sensor to the render camera

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Corrade::Containers::Optional<Magnum::Vector2> esp::sensor::VisualSensor::depthUnprojection() const virtual

Returns the parameters needed to unproject depth for the sensor.

Will always be Corrade::Containers::NullOpt for the base sensor class as it has no projection parameters